Getting kids excited and sticking with music.


By Barbara Wyton

The proven benefits of learning music are known to parents far and wide. Sometimes your kids aren’t as excited as you hoped or may loose interest if success doesn’t come as fast they thought it would. How do you keep the excitement going and help your kids in sticking with music?

A Chicago mom has some good advice and effective tips on how she raised two successful musicians (one a professional) and has a third one following in their footsteps. Her 5 tips include advice on finding an instrument, choosing a teacher, and helping your kids get excited and sticking with music. 

5 ways to get kids excited about music so they stick with it

Other parents who are trying to get their kids into music have asked my husband and me how we did it. How did we get them to stick with it? 

I used to answer, “They need to practice,” but realized it’s more complicated than that. Our kids’ success at music has more to do with our family’s attitude–that music’s not a frill, but a major part of life, and as important to learn as math or reading.

We’d be happy to speak with you about how your child can benefit from learning to play an instrument and become a lifelong musician, too. Give us a call or send a message.


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